Montreal Google Developer Group

DevFest Montreal

GDG Montreal

DevFest Montreal 2024

DevFests are local tech conferences hosted by Google Developer Groups (GDG) around the world. Each DevFest event is crafted by its local organizers to fit the needs and interests of its local developer community. Whether it be through hands-on learning experiences, technical talks delivered in local languages by experts, or by simply meeting fellow local developers, DevFest attendees learn how to build together and innovate on Google’s developer tools.

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Last Year at DevFest Montreal

Last year, we had 200+ attendees, 10+ speakers, 10+ sessions, and 1 amazing event.

DevFest 2023 was so much fun.DevFest 2023 was so much fun.DevFest 2023 was so much fun.DevFest 2023 was so much fun.DevFest 2023 was so much fun.DevFest 2023 was so much fun.DevFest 2023 was so much fun.
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Our Sponsors

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Google Developer Groups
SE Cloud Experts




Flutter Engineering
Sponsorship Proposal


A joint effort with Montreal's leading tech communities

GDG MontrealFlutter MontrealWTM MontrealGDG Cloud MontrealGSDC ConcordiaGSDC McGill

Event Venue

Concordia University Conference Centre Housed at Sir George Williams campus in the heart of downtown Montreal, Concordia University Conference Centre opened its doors in Fall 2017.

Concordia University Conference Centre logo
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